Magneto-Hydro-Dynamics is a quarterly journal published since 1965 by Institute of Physics, University of Latvia.
The journal is concerned with fundamental and applied problems of magnetohydrodynamics of incompressible media including magnetic fluids.
This edition offered on special request:; phone +371 67320148. Prices and other information we provide to you individually. And also, if necessary, we will recommend other options for replacing the edition on the same subject.
`Mājas Dakteris` – avīze par veselību un veselīgo dzīves veidu. `Mājas Dakteris` – avīze tiem, kas grib būt vesels un enerģisks. Katru numuru lasītājs gaida ar nepacietību, jo tajā – speciālistu konsultācijas, padomes profilaksei, diagnostikai un slimību ārstēšanai, psihologu padomes un, protams, ...
This edition offered on special request:; phone +371 67320148. Prices and other information we provide to you individually. And also, if necessary, we will recommend other options for replacing the edition on the same subject.
This edition offered on special request:; phone +371 67320148. Prices and other information we provide to you individually. And also, if necessary, we will recommend other options for replacing the edition on the same subject.
This edition offered on special request:; phone +371 67320148. Prices and other information we provide to you individually. And also, if necessary, we will recommend other options for replacing the edition on the same subject.